Friday 8 May 2020

Wonder Cement Launches “Desh ke Wonder” Digital Campaign to Thank frontliners during Covid19 Pandemic!

Mr. Vivek Patni, Director – Wonder Cement

MUMBAI, MAY 8, 2020 (TGN): While we stay safe at our respective homes, there is an army of soldiers fighting this invisible but apparent war with the Covid-19 virus on our behalf.  To express gratitude to these soldiers, Wonder Cement, a pioneer among the cement manufacturing industry, has launched a digital campaign aptly named “Desh Ke Wonder”.

It is inspiring to see the selfless contribution of Doctors, Medical Staff, Police, Sanitary workers, Bankers, Electricians, Vegetable vendors, Grocery vendors, Security guards, Milk vendors, Delivery guys, etc. Wonder Cement via this campaign creatively showcases and appreciates these efforts. It’s uncanny, how the virus has almost bought the world to a standstill. While it is causing considerable chaos and human suffering, the frontliners are working to get some method to the madness. The frontline workers continue to serve humanity, risking their lives and those of their loved ones. The cement giant wanted to acknowledge this sacrifice.

Commenting on the subject, Mr. Vivek Patni (Director - Wonder Cement), said “Thank you nature for turning the world digital. But for this unprecedented situation today, the world would not have changed. We have changed for the better. Each one of us is experiencing what it means to live in the digital world, which is effective and environment friendly. All of us are managing a way of working from home and all of us are trying to work our way through the situation. But for all this to happen there are a few who continue to step out every day, putting themselves at risk, just to ensure that the nation doesn’t stop running. It is because of them that help can reach all those in need in a timely manner”.

“Our 'Desh Ke Wonder' campaign celebrates and honors the commitment and bravery of all such heroes. We thank you for your undeterred service to the nation” he concluded. ENDS

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