Monday 27 April 2020

TV Celebrities supports “REAL Heroes – Real Diamonds of India” Campaign, An Initiative to honour Health Workers, PoliceWomen, Social Workers amongst others

MUMBAI, 27 APRIL, 2020 (TGN): Fiona Diamonds has launched a campaign called “Real Heroes – Real diamonds of India” to appreciate and express our gratitude as a society to the true heroes of the coronavirus battle. The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the course of our lifestyles drastically over the last few weeks by affecting people across the globe. This has not just cooped us all up in our houses but also made us ponder upon several things. One being the fact that during a crisis as such, one can truly identify the real diamonds amongst us, the true heroes; the frontline workers.
We are all in this together and we will have to remain united against the virus while maintaining due distance in order to sail through and emerge victorious out of this battle. Healthcare professionals, public servants, essential service workers are at the front end of this battle fighting it out with the pandemic up close, placing their lives at risk from time to time to ensure that the rest of us remain safe and sound at home. The campaign puts forth the idea that out of respect for these warriors, the absolute least we can do is stay at home and observe the quarantine guidelines.
Actress Delnaaz Irani expressed her gratitude towards the frontline warriors. “They are the real heroes, the real diamonds of India. Thank you Fiona diamonds for making me a part of this grand initiative, I pledge to shine as a responsible citizen of my country.” she said.
Actress and social media influencer, Vahbiz Dorabjee said, “I feel extremely proud of our front-line workers and essential services workers that are fighting the deadly virus. They are the real diamonds. I’m glad to be a part of this initiative by Fiona Diamonds.”
Fiona Diamonds has always stood for the humanitarian sense of responsibility as the company in itself deals in lab grown diamonds that are not just Eco-friendly but also absolutely conflict free. Fiona has always urged its audience to ‘Shine Responsibly’, a concept that takes into account our actions as human beings and the effect rippled across through those actions. Similarly, with this campaign, Fiona aims to highlight the real time stories of people that they believe are the Real Diamonds. Several women healthcare professionals, social workers, policewomen, lawyers and other front-line workers from across industries were identified and were gifted an exclusive Fiona Diamond Jewellery piece as a token of gratitude. The awe inspiring stories of these heroes will unfold the magnitude of this situation to the audience. Fiona aims to spread positivity and hope through this campaign and by bringing these amazing stories to their audience they hope to motivate them to get through this situation by maintaining all safety protocols and ascertaining the importance of staying at home.
Actress Mouli Ganguly said, “We’re all trying to be responsible citizens, taking all precautions, staying at home. There are people working relentlessly day and night for betterment of us all and yet some of us are sitting in the comfort of our homes still cribbing and complaining. This is a great inititiative by Fiona, to remind us that we’re all in this together, to remind us to be grateful. The least we can do to help is to stay at home.”
Parag Agrawal, Co-Founder and CEO of Fiona Diamonds said, “It’s a long and tough battle against the pandemic and those brave hearts are putting forth all their energy into keeping the rest of us and the world at large safe. We can do our bit by helping people in need and most importantly while maintaining social distance and staying at home and most importantly, saying thank You to all those warriors there.” ENDS

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